Wednesday, August 31, 2011

herStory in Veracruz

I'd like to show you all what we've been doing here with this piece of land which isn't ours but also isn't not ours (how's that?)  We have been working very hard for three years. This is the skeleton of our home, taken April 12th, 2008.  Ceiba was 8 months old.
 Arturo, our compadre Jeremias also called "El Flaco", a neighbor of his, Rey, and Don Firulais, a solid old man, started and finished "raising palm" on April 15th.

 The next day at noon Ceiba, Arturo and I arrived with Lady the dog and her puppies, and began occupying this space in order to "be the change we want for the world", in the words of Gandhi. 


  1. I want this type of dog badly! They are hard to find here, though.

  2. We have a surplus! A student was just telling me that they are a pricey purebred. Ours came to us on her own. Do you happen to know a name for them? I think you could do paperwork to bring one back with you if you come visit!
